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Rediscover Your True Self—with Pinta
Practice #1: “Flip the Focus Inward and Challenge External Models of Dos and Don’ts”
Thank You for Pre-Reserving Your Copy of “Fly High!” We’re certain you’ll find it inspirational—and truly transformational. As our gift to you, here’s a guided visualization for Practice #1. For the best personal experience, it’s important that you find a quiet, relaxing place to listen—removed from all external distractions.
The Healing Powers of This Visualization
In this visualization, Pinta, the biggest and most matronly of the seven Flying Cows, asks you to release the physical vestiges of your current life/situation. If you let go completely, you might even find yourself in a trance-like state.
That’s exactly where Pinta wants to take you.
In addition to the narrative guidance, you’ll hear tones. They are intentional, made from a crystal bowl and Tibetan bell. Even if you can barely hear it, vibrational sound within a guided visualization touches you on a molecular, inside-out level, addressing imbalances or blockages in your energy. It’s the perfect complement to the inside-out Fly-High Method of transformation.
Enjoy Your Flight!
Remember that you can return to this recording whenever you like; whenever you need to be reminded of who you really are on the inside.