When I was four years old and living in rural Spain, my job was to care for our family’s seven cows. We were so poor that the cows slept on the first floor of our house—right below the wooden planks of my bedroom. Each night, as I fell asleep to their snorts and snuffles, I dreamed they could fly.
It was a beautiful dream. But as I grew up, the dream disappeared—like a lot of things from childhood.
Within a few years, I moved to the hustle and bustle of American life. I learned English, got a good education, started a corporate career, raised a family, and enjoyed financial success.
Then, during one of the most challenging periods in my life, the cows of my dreams returned more vivid than ever!
Frankly, I thought I was losing my mind. The therapist I eventually called noted that, while the cows were flying, I was still stuck on the ground.
That’s when I realized the cows were daring me to soar with them. To free myself from the stuff that kept me stuck in a rut. So, I began a journey to understand what it all meant. Along the way, I embraced seven practices that I’ve since made part of my everyday life. Nothing has been the same since!
Within a year, I “unfriended” people who sucked the life out of me, quit a job that paid the bills (but didn’t feed my soul), and stopped listening to all the negative rants in my head—the ones that told me I’d never be “enough.” I empowered myself to own my own story (even the ugly parts). Then I quit my job, sold my home in New Jersey, and moved across the country to Arizona!
I now love to share the story of “my girls” the seven practices of the Fly-High Method. Those whom I speak with at retreats and workshops experience similar life-changing results—often more dramatic than my own. In fact, their successes were enough to convince me to publish “Fly High!” in 2018 and now a book for young readers, “Jo Dares to Be Different.”
Honestly, it doesn’t matter your age or circumstance, there’s so much to learn from The Flying Cows. More books are just beyond the horizon.
I hope you’ll enjoy my stories, explore the seven practices, and make the Fly-High Method part of your daily habits. The cows of my dreams would be honored to have you join them!